Nectar Sources of NC – RESCHEDULED

Alamance County Center 209-C, N Graham Hopedale Rd, Burlington, United States

Due to weather, this meeting will take place on February 27. Join us as we combine our monthly meeting with our Beginning Beekeeper course for a topic relevant to new and veteran beekeepers: nectar sources! Presented by member Paul Hart, Natural Resources Manager for Harnett County Parks and Recreation.

Primary Management Phases

Alamance County Center 209-C, N Graham Hopedale Rd, Burlington, United States

Join us as we once again combine our monthly meeting with our Beginning Beekeeper course for a discussion on primary management phases. Presented by members Ira Poston and Mike Ross.

Increasing Your Apiary Size

Alamance County Center 209-C, N Graham Hopedale Rd, Burlington, United States

Join us for a discussion on ways to increase the number of colonies in your apiary. 6:00pm - Potluck 7:00pm - Presentation 8:00pm - Preparing for the State Fair, Part 1: Wax Rendering & Prep

Saturday Field Day

Ira's Apiary

Join us at Ira's apiary (location will be sent out to members) for our annual in-person field day.