They’re not Honey Bees , but Bumble Bees are pretty interesting too. The Ohio State University is offering a free series of six webinars on Bumble Bees. Learn more.
Bumble Bee Short Course

They’re not Honey Bees , but Bumble Bees are pretty interesting too. The Ohio State University is offering a free series of six webinars on Bumble Bees. Learn more.
The ACB honey sales program, a partnership with Carolina Sundries, is an opportunity for members to have a public space to sell their honey. Lean more!
Did you know you can shop Amazon AND support the ACB at the same time? Simply sign-in to Amazon using their Amazon Smile portal and choose Alamance Count Beekeepers as your charity. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the cost of eligible items to the club. Now you have an excuse to buy all of those Honey Bee books and whatnot you’ve …
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook! Our page is regularly updated with useful info, links, and videos.
If you’ve discovered a swarm of honey bees or an established honey bee colony on your property in Alamance County or surrounding areas, we may be able to help! Swarm Removal To request that a honey bee swarm be removed, please contact Jeff Telander, 919-618-8094. He will contact the nearest available beekeeper. There is usually no charge for this service. …
Want an ACB hat? T-shirt? Mug? Support your local bee club!
Read the latest club newsletter or peruse an older issue. This archive contains all of the newsletters from 2012 – present. 2021 NewslettersMarch 2021February 2021January 2021 2020 NewslettersDecember 2020November 2020October 2020September 2020August 2020July 2020June 2020May 2020April 2020March 2020February 2020January 2020 2019 NewslettersDecember 2019November 2019October 2019September 2019August 2019July 2019June 2019May 2019April 2019March 2019February 2019January 2019 2018 NewslettersDecember 2018November 2018October 2018September 2018August …
Welcome to Alamance County Swarm and Bee Removal Honey Bees in Swarms If you are requesting that a swarm of bees (honey bees ONLY) be removed from your property in Alamance County, North Carolina, and surrounding areas, please contact: Jeff Telander at 919-618-8094. He will call the nearest available local beekeeper to collect the …
Need a queen? There are several producers of local queens in our area. Alamance County Beekeeper Paul Jollay is raising locally mated queens. Call 336-213-0912 to check on availability and to reserve a queen. Only a limited supply will be available. Beez Needz3662 Edgar Rd. Sophia, NC 27350 336-431-BEEZ (2339) Triad Bee Supply4062 Evergreen Dr.Trinity, NC 27370 336-475-5137
Dr. Mark Anthony Powers, Associate Professor Emeritus of Medicine and NC Journeyman Beekeeper, discusses both how to evaluate the seriousness of a bee sting and how to ascertain the most suitable treatment. This presentation is based on his December 2018 American Bee Journal article (Vol. 158, No.12 pp. 1327-1331). Bee Sting Allergy: What You Need to Know