OSU Bee Lab Pollinator-focused Webinars

The Ohio State University Bee Lab recently featured a series of 5 well crafted pollinator-focused presentations. This series was co-sponsored by the OSU Department of Entomology and Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens with support from NIFA’s IPM Pollinator Health grant and the Manitou Fund.

Jamie Strange, OSU Department of Entomology
Video: Conserving Bumble Bees Across North America

Heather Holm, Books by Heather Holm
Video: Creating and Enhancing Native Bee Habitat in Your Garden 

Olivia Carril, Co-author, The Bees in Your Backyard
Video: Dreaming of World Bees: Steps We Can All Take to Ensure A Bee-utiful Future

Jennifer Thieme, Monarch Joint Venture
Video: Monarch Biology and Conservation: The 10,000 Foot Overview

Doug Tallamy, Doug Tallamy’s Hub
Video: Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard

Additional links to resources for all 5 recorded presentations.